How do I become a patient in Delaware?
In order to qualify for a Medical Marijuana card, you must meet the following qualifications:
Be 18 years of age or older or be a pediatric patient with parental consent.
Have a Physician Certification from a Delaware licensed Medical Doctor or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine.
Be a Delaware resident with proof of residency. (DE Driver's License or DE State ID)
Out of state MMJ card holders can register with the state of Delaware here (https://delaware.biotrackthc.net/patients/actions/?action=application)
Pediatric Patient Qualifying Conditions
If the qualifying patient is younger than 18 years of age, the physician must be a pediatric neurologist, pediatric gastroenterologist, pediatric oncologist or pediatric palliative care specialist.
Intractable epilepsy
A chronic or debilitating disease or medical condition where they have failed treatment involving one or more of the following symptoms
Cachexia or wasting syndrome
Intractable nausea
Severe, painful, and persistent muscle spasms
Autism with self-injurious or aggressive behavior
If you’ve determined that you meet the criteria for the program, the next step is to complete and submit a patient application to Delaware Health and Social Services. The application form is available online here, but must be submitted by mail. The following are the main sections of the application.
Patient Information: Here you will fill out basic contact and demographic information for the patient, along with an attestation that you agree to follow the rules of the program.
Physician Certification: To be completed by your physician, this section confirms and certifies that they are licensed to practice medicine in Delaware and that they’ve fully evaluated your medical condition.
If you are 65 years of age or older: You are able to self certify. You do not need to complete the Physician Certification portion of the application.
Patient Release Request: This request authorizes Delaware Health and Social Services to contact your doctor for the purposes of verifying the information provided in your application.
Proof of Residency: Here you will include a legible copy of your Delaware Driver’s License or State-issued ID card.
Application Fee: A required processing fee of $50 is payable by check or money order.
Once your patient application is fully filled out, please review carefully to ensure that all the information provided is accurate and complete before submitting. Any errors or omissions may result in your application being denied as well as delays for obtaining your medical marijuana card. If everything is complete and your application is approved, your medical marijuana card will be issued to you by mail.
An alternate application form for pediatric patients is available here.
Reciprocity for out-of state Medical Patients: Individuals with out-of-state medical marijuana identification cards can make purchases in Delaware dispensaries once registered with the state of Delaware. These individuals can click here (https://delaware.biotrackthc.net/patients/actions/?action=application) to register their out-of-state medical marijuana identification cards in Biotrack. Once completed, the system will give them a code to download their reciprocity identification card. The expiration date for the reciprocity identification card will match their out-of-state id. The out-of-state patients will have the same purchase limits as our Delaware patients.
A required processing fee of $20 is payable electronically and must be completed before filing your Visiting Patient Application.
Once you’ve received your medical marijuana card, you’re welcome to visit our dispensary and make purchases. Our team will be happy to assist you in selecting the best products for your specific condition and symptoms. We look forward to seeing you at The Farm!
For more frequently asked questions, please visit the DHSS website here.
What is a Caregiver?
A designated caregiver is a person who is selected by a qualifying patient as the person authorized, on the patient’s behalf, to possess, obtain from an authorized dispensary, dispense and assist in the administration of medical marijuana. (Delaware.gov)
Senate Bill 60 permits certified nurse practitioners and physician assistants to issue medical cannabis recommendations to those ages 18 and older. Previously, only physicians were permitted to issue medical cannabis authorizations. Over 11,000 residents are registered in the state's medical cannabis access program.
Who can be a Caregiver?
In order to qualify for a Designated Caregiver card to legally purchase medical marijuana for a qualified patient, you must meet the following qualifications:
Be 21 years of age or be the parent or legal guardian of a minor child.
Have not been convicted of an excluded felony offense.
Have agreed to assist with a patient's medical use of marijuana and assist no more than five qualifying patients.
Be a Delaware resident with proof of residency. (DE Driver’s License or DE State ID)
Why become a Caregiver?
As a caregiver, you can assist patients with their medical cannabis while protecting both you and the patient. In addition, it enables you to advocate on their behalf at dispensaries, for example when a patient is not feeling well.
How to become a Caregiver?
To register as a caregiver within the state of Delaware, visit Medical Marijuana Caregivers at Delaware.gov.