Frequently Asked Questions
General FAQ
What are your hours?
Felton Hours:
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM Monday-Sunday
New Castle Hours:
10:00 AM-6:00 PM Monday-Wednesday
10:00 AM-7:00 PM Thursday & Friday
10:00 AM-6:00 PM Saturday & Sunday .
Where are you located?
Felton: 105 Irish Hill Rd, Felton, DE 19943
New Castle: 240 S. Dupont Hwy, Ste 200A, New Castle DE 19720
Are you hiring?
We are constantly on the lookout for talent and passion to join the team. Please email your resume to be considered.
Do you accept credit cards?
No, we can not accept major credit cards. However, we can accept bank debit cards.
FAQ for Patients
Do I qualify?
In order to qualify for a Medical Marijuana Card, you must meet the following qualifications:
Be 18 years of age or older or be a pediatric patient with parental consent.
Have a Physician Certification from a Delaware licensed Medical Doctor or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine OR be 65 years of age or older to self-certify.
Be a Delaware resident with proof of residency. (DE Driver's License or DE State ID)
Can I register if I am out of state?
YES! You can register with the state of Delaware here. (https://delaware.biotrackthc.net/patients/actions/?action=application)
How much medicine can I have per month?
Patients are authorized to purchase three ounces of usable marijuana every 14 days, for a total of six ounces per month.
How much do I take?
“Start low, go slow” is usually the best answer to this question. Everyone’s body responds to cannabis differently and this is something you will have to experiment with and find your level ground. The best thing you can do is start a low dose and work your way up if needed. The effects of cannabis vary greatly depending on dosage so to understand its full spectrum of effects on your body and mind, “start low, go slow.”
This product didn’t work for me. Does cannabis not work for me?
You may need to take a higher dose or move on to another product type or strain. There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to cannabis. Also, what doesn’t work today doesn’t mean it may not work tomorrow. Try again and if it really isn’t working adjust accordingly. Cannabis comes in many forms and experimentation is often needed to find the right relief.
Can someone else pick up my medicine?
The only way someone can pick up and be in possession of your medicine is if they are a registered caregiver, attached to your patient ID.
Does The Farm accept insurance?
No, unfortunately, cannabis is still a Schedule 1 substance and insurance companies have chosen not to cover any services related to cannabis.
What happens if I hit my limit?
If a patient reaches their maximum allotment of medicine, they will have to wait to make a purchase when more of their allotment becomes available.
Can I only use one dispensary?
No, as a registered Delaware patient you can use any dispensary in the state.
For additional patient information, please head to Delaware.gov.
FAQ for Caregivers
Do I qualify?
In order to qualify for a Designated Caregiver card to legally purchase medical marijuana for a qualified patient, you must meet the following qualifications:
Be 21 years of age or be the parent or legal guardian of a minor child.
Have not been convicted of an excluded felony offense.
Have agreed to assist with a patient's medical use of marijuana and assist no more than five qualifying patients.
Be a Delaware resident with proof of residency. (DE Driver’s License or DE State ID)
For additional caregiver information, please head to Delaware.gov.
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